Buy LTT on PancakeSwap


Currently, LocalTrade Token is listed on PancakeSwap DEX. So, you'll need a compatible BSC wallet to purchase LTT. If you don't have a wallet, please refer to this guide:

Get started with DeFi Lab

You'll also need to get some BEP20 tokens to swap for LTT, we recommend getting BNB through Apple Pay as it is the easiest way without mandatory KYC:

Buy BNB with ApplePay (NO KYC)Buy BUSD/BNB at LocalTrade Exchange

Buying LTT

  1. Go to the BUSD/LTT trading pair on PancakeSwap exchange via this link.

  2. Next, connect your wallet to the website by pressing "Connect wallet" in the top-right corner of the screen.

Your LTT will be reflected in the wallet shortly. Go ahead to the DeFi Lab Website and check out some of our offerings: Farming Vaults.

Last updated